Monday, December 12, 2011

Rought Riders Off Road Club By-Laws

Rough Riders
Hayden, Idaho



  1. This organization shall be known as the Rough Riders Off Road Club.


  1. The Rough Riders is organized as an organization for the purpose of:
    1. Providing social, educational, and recreational activities for its membership.
    2. Participating in and supporting civic activities for the betterment of the community, which will include at least one event per year.
    3. To maintain and encourage trial riding, four-wheel activities with regards to the tread lightly policy.


Membership and Dues
  1. Owners and Co-owners of four-wheel drive vehicles are eligible for membership in the Rough Riders.
  2. Voting Power within the organization is restricted to two (2) votes per rig. One vote per eligible person.
  3. All members must conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly fashion whether in or out of club activities. Any member disgracing himself in the public eye will be immediately subject to expulsion from the club, subject to decision by the Board of Directors. Aggressive behavior at any club event will not be tolerated.
  4. Applicants for membership must be at least eighteen years of age (exception many be made by the Board of Directors), must hold a valid drivers license, and must show a minimum of PL and PD insurance coverage on their vehicles.
  5. Applicants for membership must attend three (3) regular meetings and three (3) club runs within the previous six (6) months before being issued an application blank to be properly filled out and submitted to the Board of Directors, as well as interviewed and approved by the PR officer(s). Following a review of each application by the Board of Directors and PR officers, the applicant will be voted on by all the club members. All present club members must accept the new applicant or membership will not be given. Dues shall be prorated according to the club’s prorating schedule.
  6. Dues for this organization shall be $20.00 per vehicle for a year. Club dues are due and payable at the regular June meeting. Any member whose dues are three months in arrears shall be dropped from the roles of this organization. Members that do not pay dues need to give notification before the three months end. Reinstated members after a year out of the club must go through the voting process again. Paid dues are non-refundable.
  7. Members shall immediately notify the Secretary upon a change of home address, mailing address, telephone number, or email address.
  8. Resignation of any member shall be verbal or written communication and shall be submitted to the secretary. Resigned club member shall remove any club decals, stickers from their vehicle when membership is no longer current, and or when the vehicle has been sold.
  9. Every new member will get a copy of the By-Laws when they join.


Charter Members
  1. The members who adopt and sign the by-laws of the Rough Riders on or before December 11, 2011, shall be known as Charter Members of this organization.


  1. Meetings of the Rough Riders shall consist of one meeting each month at such places as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meetings will be every three (3) months or designated by the Board of Directors.


Administration and Officers
  1. The officers of the Rough Riders shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relation Officer(s), and Sergeant of Arms Officer(s) and shall be known as the Board of Directors. It shall be their duty to draw up an agenda for all membership meetings.
  2. No officer shall be added to the club except by the vote of the majority of the attending membership of the club.


Duties and Powers of Officers
  1. The President shall preside over all membership and board meetings and be present at all events whenever possible. He shall have the duty to carry out the policies and decisions of the Board of Directors. He shall be without right of vote on the Board of Directors and regular meetings except in the event of a tie. He shall sign checks with the Treasurer.
  2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, serve in that capacity. He shall also serve as a Parliamentarian and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Secretary shall keep and preserve all records and minutes of the meetings and the Board meetings, shall assume the responsibility of ledger roll call and determine the number of voting members present, so it may be known if a quorum is in attendance, shall receive and answer all general correspondence pertaining to the organization, shall keep a file system of membership.
  4. The Treasurer shall keep accurate and complete records of the funds and the accounts of this organization and shall collect all dues and maintain a record thereof. They shall make only such disbursements from the funds of the organization as are directed by the Board of Directors and Article VIII hereof.
  5. Sergeant of Arms will enforce an orderly meeting. He/She has the power to remove an individual if the individual is distrustful as well as give and enforce fines stated within these by-laws.
  6. Public Relations will pre-screen and interview potential members of the club. The PR officer(s) must first approve potential members for the potential member to summit membership. The interview includes character and vehicle inspection. The PR officer(s) will also Pre-screen community involvement requests.


Expenditures and Finance
  1. All money received from all sources shall immediately be turned over to the Treasurer to be deposited in the checking account of the Rough Riders.
  2. No withdrawal from the funds shall be made without approval of the Board of Directors. Single expenditures in excess of $50.00 must have approval of the majority of voting quorum of the membership. All expenditures shall have a receipt; they shall be itemized separately stating the amount of each.


  1. Committees shall be designated by the Board of Directors. Each committee shall be assigned, by the President. The President will appoint a member to lead the committee and give him/her the responsibility of the event or discussion.


  1. The membership shall meet and elect officers for each fiscal year at the regular May meeting. The newly elected officers shall take office June 1st. Voting shall be in person or by written proxy.
  2. Any member in good standing may nominate one or more candidates for the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant of Arms, and Public Relations. The candidates for office must be regular members in good standing. Candidates for the office of Treasure must be bondable. Nominations shall be accepted at the regular May meeting. At all elections, nominations may be made from the floor.
  3. Balloting for each office shall be in separate successive sequence and is held by secret ballot. All ballots for offices must be counted and checked by two (2) members other than the nominees.
  4. A majority of votes cast is necessary for election to an office.
  5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant of Arms, or Public Relations an election shall be called to elect a successor.
  6. All nominees must be present at nomination.


  1. Any office of the Rough Riders may be recalled by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership.


  1. All events shall be subject approval before the Board of Directors. Events will be under the direction of the Trip Leader appointed by the President.
  2. All members, including the Officers, are responsible to the direction of the appointed Trip Leader and his appointed assistant’s from the set time of the beginning of the event to the termination of the event. No provisions to be made to permit any member to join an event at any time or location other than the said place and time decided upon for the event, if such provision cause any change of time, stop, delay, or change of route. The Trip leader needs to have a drivers meeting before each event. The Trip Leader needs to have a sign-up sheet if the event has more than 3 non-club members.
  3. The maximum number of rigs to be allowed on a run will be decided by the Trip Leader.
  4. All events must be conducted in an orderly manner and with safety as a prime factor. Any event held on private property will be subject to liability releases.
  5. No member or guest under the age of eighteen years will be permitted to drive in any competitive event unless accompanied by, or with the written permission of a parent or guardian.
  6. All competitive events shall be under the direct authority, supervision, and control of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall determine entrance classifications and awards to be presented. Anyone determined to be physically or mentally disturbed at the time of an event shall be disqualified. Vehicles may be subject to technical inspection varying according to the type of event and shall be disqualified if found to be mechanically unsafe.
  7. All members and guest participating in an event shall abide by the Motor Vehicle code of the State concerned and by the laws involved. The welfare and reception of the club depends on the character it gains with the city, county, state, and federal authorities. We are not irresponsible drivers. Any flagrant violation of the rules or codes is sufficient cause for the removal of membership privileges, subject to the decision by the Board of Directors.
  8. All members shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. Any member in noncompliance shall be subject to disciplinary actions or dismissal by the Board of Directors.


Rules and Procedure
  1. Unless otherwise specified in theses by-laws, Roberts’s rules of Order Revised shall govern parliamentary procedure.


  1. A $5.00 fine will be assessed to any member found littering at any time.
  2. A $2.00 fine will be assessed to any member found in violation of the safety requirements in ARTICLE XVII, after two warnings.
  3. A $1.00 fine will be assessed to any member found speaking out of turn during a regular meeting.


  1. These by-laws may be amended by a vote at a regular membership meeting with at least fifty-one (51) percent of the membership being present and voting. Any amendment to the by-laws must be presented to the membership at the regular meeting that meeting in which the vote is taken.


Safety Requirements
  1. All member vehicles participating in club events shall be equipped with roll-bars (open or removable tops), axe, bucket, shovel, fire extinguisher, first-aid kit, CB radio, Recovery strap, recovery attachment points, and seat belts for all occupants. All members have two (2) months to comply with these safety requirements after acceptance into the Rough Riders.
  2. No Driver will be intoxicated or under the influence before or during a club event. If the Driver is caught under these circumstances, the Drive will be removed from the event.

Charter/Founding Members

            By signing this document, we become the Charter/Founding Members of the Rough Riders. In accordance with the given by-laws, we as the founding members of the Rough Riders will abide by these laws and up hold them to the best of our ability.

Brandon Graham                                                                                Casey Syth

Jessica Kelley                                                                                      Tom Briggs

Bonnie Graham                                                                                   

Dave Graham                                                                                      Eric Teal

Stan Syth                                                                                           

Brenda Syth                                                                                        Susan Morris

Scott Morris                                                                                       Brian Groves