Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Member Group Photo

All members from the club camp out! Great Picture you guys!

Also a few memorial pictures from the club camp out, Dave almost tipped over on a hill and Brandon did tip over on a hill but luckly for Brandon and Jessica there were trees blocking the way. Jessica shed a bit a blood proving just how important it is to have a first aid kit and wear a seat belt. Special thanks to all member for making this years club camp out a safe and memorial one. ;-)


Meetings for the rest of the year 2012:

September: 9th 2012
October: 14th 2012
November: 11th 2012
December: 9th 2012

All meetings are held at the Hayden Library, we ask everybody to be there at 3pm and usually start around 3:30pm. If you are ever unsure of the date and time just remember that all meetings are the second Sunday of every month at 3pm. Unless there is a holiday such as Mothers Day, Fathers Day, etc...