Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Member Group Photo

All members from the club camp out! Great Picture you guys!

Also a few memorial pictures from the club camp out, Dave almost tipped over on a hill and Brandon did tip over on a hill but luckly for Brandon and Jessica there were trees blocking the way. Jessica shed a bit a blood proving just how important it is to have a first aid kit and wear a seat belt. Special thanks to all member for making this years club camp out a safe and memorial one. ;-)


Meetings for the rest of the year 2012:

September: 9th 2012
October: 14th 2012
November: 11th 2012
December: 9th 2012

All meetings are held at the Hayden Library, we ask everybody to be there at 3pm and usually start around 3:30pm. If you are ever unsure of the date and time just remember that all meetings are the second Sunday of every month at 3pm. Unless there is a holiday such as Mothers Day, Fathers Day, etc...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Logo

Our new logo!!! Special thanks to Whitney Howard and Casey Syth for creating such an amazing logo for our club! Whitney is both a friend and graphic designer for our club, for more information please visit http://www.whitneyhoward.net/ and/or www.facebook.com/whitneyhoward. It looks amazing! Thanks again.

Hang Over Run 01/01/2012

This was our first run as an offical club! We had a great time and can't wait to go back up there again. Thanks to everyone who came! Enjoy the pictures! If anyone would like copies sent to their email address please notify Jessica, Secretary, at riders_rough@yahoo.com. Jessica is also in the process of making a DVD of the run and will be selling them soon. Please contact her for more detail. Thanks!
FYI: If you want to see the pictures better click on them and a slide show will pop up. Thanks.